Galaxy Season!

So this is my first galaxy season and it has not disappointed! I have had a blast. I need to really catch up on sleep cause I have not been getting much. Ready glad I gave my Edge 8hd a second chance. It has become my favorite scope. Still trying to work things out with guiding but it is very usable. If anyone has any tips on a celestron OAG and 290mm-mini, let me know! It has been acceptable but not great.

Other than that, I think its time for me to collimate! I gave it a go last night but I don’t think I got it as accurate as I would have liked and I didn’t want to waste precious time. I ended up buying a Hotech SCA 1.5 inch laser collimator. I will load it into my equipment section with a write up when I get it going and hopefully it will get me some better focus.

I still want to get Bodes and Sunflower but so far, I have some pretty good photos of the galaxies I have shot. All these shots are at 1400mm and f7. Some are better than others but overall, Im super pumped about this rig again and even though it is a monster to set up and take down, it has been well worth it. Here’s what I got. Lemme know whatcha think!


m100 - top left, m88 - top middle, m66 - top right, Caldwell 7 - bottom left, m51 - middle right, m101 - bottom right.